Hi! My name is Wyatt Mowat. Every Sunday, I release an email newsletter revealing three lessons and adventures I experience throughout the week and share it to help you achieve personal success faster.
It’s 2023, a new year of success and happiness. I’m very excited to accomplish my goals and help you along your journey. By reading this newsletter, you’ll feel confident that we’ll both make it to the top.
In the new year issue debut, along with my experiences and lessons, I’ll be revealing my goals to show you what I’ll be striving towards. Besides, success always leaves behind clues😉 Without further ado, let’s get into it.
1️⃣ During New Years weekend, I was ski patrolling at Gwynne Ski Hill — my first time ever. It was really fun! In fact, on January 1st, I got to experience my first accident and be the first on the scene. I was filled with nervousness but with the assistance of my fellow ski patrollers, I was comfortable knowing that I was supported and can make it through. The casualty went to the hospital discovering that she had a broken tibia, but with hoping that she has a speedy recovery, I ‘m stoked that I’m one step closer to becoming a better ski patroller and build leadership and communication skills.
2️⃣ My life has been slowly becoming productive. With the glorious assistance of Google Calendar, I’ve scheduled multiple time blocks during the day to study YouTube content, brainstorm video ideas, and study the hockey and volleyball rulebook. Spending an hour or two doing these have made me really become more prepared to create better videos and better refereeing.
3️⃣ At the beginning of the year, CreatorNow launched their annual membership where I joined once again to learn how to become a better YouTube creator. I’m a big proponent for self-education and utilizing my purchase to learn about better creators and how I can make money back on it years later by making content. I’m excited to learn and meet new creator friends.
The one thing you’re waiting for . . . this week’s lesson! Drawing the lesson from my adventures this week, here’s what I’ll share with you:
If you implement strong habits and self-education into yourself, you’ll become a better person.
Alex Hormozi, an entrepreneur who’s worth over $100,000,000, constantly talks about how self-education can improve your status and net worth just by learning how successful people made it to the top. I took this very seriously and bought a yearly CreatorNow membership to learn secrets from the top creators. Additionally, I’ve been heavily learning from one of my creator friends who has a less subscribers than me but is hyper-studying everything: top creators, thumbnails, ideas, titles, content, everything! I’ve took inspiration from this and am starting to do the same. I can gladly say that I’m slowly experiencing small wins in terms of recognizing patterns and why it was successful.
How can you implement this lesson into your life?
Think about what you want to achieve in life. Whatever it may be, most of this applies to everything. Once you have that in mind, brainstorm and research what habits and education do successful people invest to that keep them being successful and from there, schedule time during the week to work on those habits and self-education commitments. And with time, you’ll become closer to achieving personal success.
The grand finale . . . WyMow’s 2023 goals! These are just a tip of the iceberg on what I really want to accomplish in life, but we must take things one step at a time. Here are my three tangible goals I must achieve in 2023:
Get a 1,000,000+ viewed YouTube video
Gain 10 pounds of muscle
Turn 25 strangers into friends
Feel free to discuss more about this in the comment section below, and start the conversation on how to accomplish your goals this year.
Thank you for taking the time to read my email newsletter. I acknowledge that we are constantly busy every day, and the fact that you took time to learn more about myself and draw lessons from my life creates gratitude in my heart. Have a great rest of your day and see you next Sunday!